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Etnom® was the first thin - film substance to chemically resist attack by aliphatic and especially aromatic hydrocarbons and have the unique characteristic of contracting when exposed to petrochemical hydrocarbons. This unique characteristic allows the thin film to remain taut when exposed to samples containing these hydrocarbons and maintain a consistent taut flat sample support window plane during the entire integration time of analysis. Etnom® is available in a variety of thicknesses ranging from 1.5 through 3.0 µm, it is frequently used and ideally suitable for sulfur analysis in aliphatic and particularly aromatic hydrocarbons. 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 µm Etnom® thin - films are limited in availability only to SpectroMembrane®® Carrier Frames.





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Chemplex Industries, Inc.

Chemplex Industries, Inc. entwickelt und fertigt seit 1971 innovative, hochwertige Probenbecher, Dünnfilm-Probenträger und andere Laborverbrauchsmaterialien für die Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse. Der Großteil der Chemplex-Produkte wird in-house in den USA hergestellt.

Unsere Produktpalette von Chemplex umfasst:

  • XRF-Dünnschicht-Probenträgerfolien, Fenster und Fensterrahmen
  • XRF-Probenbecher
  • Probenvorbereitungsgeräte und -materialien (SpectroPress® Pelletpressen, Pressforme, Additive, Bindemittel und mehr)